Various thoughts on the process of improving performance on a Linux system - in a mode of discovering just how much there is to learn. Customers use their systems uniquely - some care passionately about performance, some just want and expect the best "out-of-the-box" experience with no tweaking. I have observed that people in search of performance answers generally want the simple answer, but the practiced answer to any real performance question is: "Well, it depends..." - Bill Buros
Monday, November 26, 2007
Green 500 ?!
My first thought was "how in the world do you measure power consumption across so many clustered systems??" And it appears that they calculate the overall power consumption depending on what can be measured, then the overall metric is calculated. The web site even nicely provides a tutorial paper on how to calculate / determine your power consumption.
More stuff to read and try this week. Time to pull the power meter over to a small Linpack test system running the latest RHEL 5.1 release where we recently pushed a number of publishes out and see what's happening. We regularly play with Linpack on the single SMP servers to make sure they scale fairly linearly (ie: 4-core to 8-core to 16-core) and this may be a good way to apply some power consumption metrics to the performance metrics. Linpack is good because it's fairly steady-state for a relatively long period (depending of course on how big you define the problem size to be solved).
Naturally... what, when, and how to measure watts and thermal and energy consumption for systems under test are going through many debates and discussions these days in the industry these days. A whole new dimension of being able to say "well, it depends" when asked about performance and the trade-offs. If you get a chance, watch what happens with's SPECpower initial benchmark (at ). This initial benchmark is focused on CPU centric workloads, but more dimensions are undoubtedly coming.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Worlds Fastest Computers
- - "The fastest computers are Linux Computers".
These top computers are amazing, they are a testament to the "scale-out" architectural approach of repetitive computing horsepower. Take a look at the number 1 system in the list. They describe the system on the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's web site at According to the Top 500 web site, this "system" has got 212,992 processors and 73,728 GB memory. (I wonder what the power/watts/thermal measurements are for systems like this - couldn't find any energy star ratings on the BlueGene web site.)
- Poking around some more, it turns out that the memory is referred to as "tebibytes". I probably should've known this, but the tebi prefix is short for "tera binary byte" and is intended for the 2 to the nth power numbers. So the tebibyte is 1024 to the 4th (or 2 to the 40th), where-as the more familiar terabyte is 1000 to the 4th (or 10 to the 12th). There's a nice table out on Wikipedia which had a good concise way of looking at things. It certainly is more precise - we often have clarification discussions about the difference between 1024 vs 1000 based numbers.
These Top 500 super computer systems are a world in and of themselves. They really represent the top of the stack for HPC workloads, and have fairly unique configuration challenges which in many cases dive into the "research" world and some amazing latency, shared file, memory accessibility, and CPU interconnect technologies. For Linux customers, these technologies are in some cases bleeding edge technologies which over time are product'ized and rolled into the commercially supported Distros, and in other cases are already shipping in today's customer available distros.
A good example of technology which is pervasive and mature for commercial, research, and academic use is the OpenMPI project. Over the last couple of months we've started looking more into OpenMPI and related MPI products and have found that OpenMPI is very competitive. The Open MPI organization (at ) is very active and keeps the MPI implementation at the leading edge across a number of offerings. The feature set of Open MPI v1.2.4 is impressive and provides good flexibility across networks, interconnects, and system implementations. Very impressive. Our work on small clusters is based on OpenMPI and allows us to focus on other system performance issues and concerns.
It'll be interesting to see what we find over the coming months. It'll be fun to start learning more about these large system scaled-out configurations and see what we can apply to real-life customers today.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Oprofile - a Visual interface
For our performance work, we wrap and re-wrap things with simplifying scripts and strive for parse'able text output. The key focus for our performance work is to be able to crank the same workload across different OS and software levels, and use/compare varying IBM hardware platforms that Linux supports (x86, Power, Blades, Servers, etc). This helps us more quickly understand where Linux needs to be improved, or if there is something to be improved in the various hardware/firmware combinations and configurations that customers would want to use. Or in some cases when working with new workloads, in figuring out what exactly we're running, and working to understand what we're really measuring.
But what about the more elaborate user-graphical interfaces to performance tools? Not so much. The two user interface assists we do deploy are wrapping things with web interfaces (easy to crank out, easy to adjust), and graphing the generated data - more simply put: "a picture is worth a thousand words".
That said, someone recently asked about the latest Visual Performance Analyzer (VPA) tool which can be used with oprofile on Linux. Last time I had played with it was several years ago, so it was time to give it a new shot. And I found it was pretty nice. It won't replace our automation framework, but it was a nice alternative way to get and view profile information, especially from a remote system looking "into" a system under test. And sometime over the coming weeks, I'd like to see if we can tap into our pool of previously run and saved profiled workloads. Not sure if that's possible, but we'll see.
So here's what I found, with some quick context definitions as needed.
Using a profiler[3] is the simple process of measuring a program or system's behavior while things are running. The simple approach is to sample what each CPU is doing on a regular basis - say every 100,000 timer ticks - and keep track of where in the program (or the system) things are spending the most time. Profilers can do this "automatically", and can be tailored to do some pretty clever tricks using different hardware counters.
Application programmers use profiling to figure out how to optimize their programs, usually improving data structures, loops, and program structure. Each programming language is unique, and has unique performance challenges. In our world though, we're focused on a hierarchy of performance challenges. With new hardware or new operating system code, we are generally focused more on how to optimize Linux for the hardware, looking for the typical "performance hazards" which can be improved in software, firmware, or hardware.
For VPA, I downloaded the x86 rpm version of VPA from IBM's alphaWorks[4] and installed that on a recently installed RHEL 5.1 Linux laptop. and also tried the zip'ed version for Windows. While the files were downloading, I did read on the alphaWorks website:
Interesting. Eclipse-based? So do I need to install the full Eclipse environment? Apparently not. Maynard Johnson (our dependable oprofile Answer-Man) told me that Eclipse now supports a "Rich Client Platform" (RCP) which allows GUI applications to build with Eclipse widgets, without a full Eclipse platform. And sure enough, the two files I downloaded from alphaWorks were both called "vpa-rcp-6.0.0*".What is Visual Performance Analyzer?
Visual Performance Analyzer (VPA) is an Eclipse-based performance visualization toolkit. It consists of five major components: Profile Analyzer, Code Analyzer, Pipeline Analyzer, Counter Analyzer, Trace Analyzer, and Control Flow Analyzer.
VPA comes with several tools included. The one I was interested in was the Profiler Analyzer. I tried examples from both the Linux client and the Windows client.
These screen shot images are from the Windows client using SnagIt [5]. I really wish we had this tool available on Linux... I recommend going to the Techsmith website and request a SnagIt product port to Linux clients, especially since they're already considering one to the Mac (per their website).
Invoking the Profile Analyzer, I simply defined the connection to the server I was testing. Plenty of options. Lots of flexibility. I simply wanted to see if I could connect to the system, and profile a couple of seconds of the system sitting there idling along. By the way, oprofile was previously installed on the system being tested - but that's easy to do as well.
The system under test wasn't doing anything (just idle), but I was impressed with how easy this was. In the coming weeks, we'll play more. But you should consider downloading VPA as something easy to try, play with, and get results.
Bill B
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[1] Martin Bligh -
[2] Autotest -
[3] Profilers -
[4] Visual Performance Analyzer -
[5] SnagIt -
Blogs I follow
Bill Buros
Performance analysis techniques, tools, and approaches are nicely common across Linux. Having worked for years in performance, there are still daily reminders of how much there is to learn in this space, so in many ways this blog is simply another vehicle in the continuing journey to becoming a more experienced "performance professional". One of several journeys in life.