Sunday, October 28, 2007

Linux is ready - Linux scalability example

Saw an interesting blog late last week from Paul Murphy from over on ZDNet[1]. While comparing AIX and Solaris offerings, he shifts to quickly assess the possibilities of Linux running on the Power systems.

He seems to miss some of the flexibility of Linux in that we believe it's pretty trivial to re-build applications from one Linux base or platform to another, he makes the observation:
  • "Right now getting Linux code to run on Linux for PPC isn’t very difficult - it’s very inefficient, because of the endian change and the inappropriateness of the x86 specific ideas embedded in just about everything Linux, but it’s relatively easy to do and it works."
With today's software vendors, most applications are designed very reasonably and thoughtfully with respect to cross-platform issues, which includes of course endian issues. So code built with Linux should be efficient with respect to that hardware base, and in fact, a lot of what Linux operating system programmers focus is exactly the notion of being efficient and effective across the platforms, be it x86, Intel, AMD, zSeries, and Power to name a few. There are of course more platforms, which highlights the advantages of leveraging the Linux base.

In working on Power systems, and seeing work on other platforms, it's clear that non-x86 design points and flexible approaches are encouraged in the operating system. This allows programmers across the industry to easily adapt and leverage Linux to provide leadership performance or scalability for that hardware platform.

In some of the "talkback" comments from Paul's post, there were several posts which were flash-backs to Linux of many years ago, where people would refer to experiences where Linux didn't scale, Linux didn't perform, or Linux wasn't ready. There have been examples for years now which consistently demonstrate that Linux is scalable and does perform well.

From two and a half years ago, Sandor Szabo [2] took the two Linux distributions, SLES 9 and RHEL 4 at the time, and showed the features of what could be exploited in commercial grade Linux. Both SUSE and Redhat have updated their distro versions, moving up to SLES 10 and RHEL 5, both of which continue to significantly improve on the scalability and performance.

In the summer of 2006, just 15 months go, the Kernel Summit specifically covered Linux scalability [3]. This was a good article that summarized nicely the state of Linux scaling across the systems emerging in the industry. I found it interesting that one of the focus items was shifting to scaling issues for systems with 1024 to 4096 processors.

On a practical level, we see Linux scaling and performing fine from 4-core to 16-core to 64-core systems that we test on. For example, we tried's SPECompM2001 workload on a recent new Power 6 16-core system [4] and were able to get the OpenMP threads performing where we wanted it to. The breadth of software support on Linux extends to platform specific compilers, and in that publish the library libhugetlbfs [4] was used to take transparently take advantage of larger memory pages by the system. This library is supported across several architectures and is being actively updated and extended. Each workload could be compiled 32-bit or 64-bit mode, with varying optimization levels.

Just a couple of examples of Linux being ready to perform and to scale today

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[1] Linux: it’s the last word on AIX vs. Solaris by ZDNet's Paul Murphy -- With Linux on Power you get open source, you get a hot chipset, you get that IBM relationship, you get a clear future direction, you get a solid development community, you get access to lots of applications, you get a free any time escape to the cheaper Lintel world.

[2] Exploit the power of Linux with Informix Dynamic Server 10.0

[3] Kernel Summit 2006: Scalability

[4] SPECompM2001 - 16 core publish

[5] - libhugetlbfs project

Monday, October 22, 2007

So what performance can I expect?

While most days at work are busy with Linux performance analysis and improvement projects, I regularly get questions from customers, or our sales and support teams, plus seekers of information on performance questions. In these discussions, the prevailing quick question is invariably:
  • Say.... "My user has this application running on this system with this software. If we change one or more of these pieces, would the application run much faster?" That's usually the whole question. Then there's the expectant long pause as they wait for "The Response."
The answer of course is always: Well, it depends....

So we start with the two basic questions.
  1. What specifically are you running today?
  2. What are you really trying to improve?
I know it's going to be fun when the the first question turns into a lengthy informational gathering exercise. What system, specifically. What software, specifically. Is the software pre -built? or do you build it yourself? What system configuration, specifically. What are you measuring, specifically. I don't really keep score, but several of these informational requests never come back. I suspect they were looking for the Silver Bullet. It happens.

Assuming we make it past the first information scrub, we begin focusing on what they really want to improve. The choices are quite varied.. usually they just want faster execution time. Sometimes better (quicker) responsiveness. Sometimes there are other considerations, scaling up, scaling out, or server consolidation with various virtualization techniques. Whatever it is, understanding specifically what they are measuring is critical. In the realm of performance, we measure, change one thing, measure again, assess the change. And repeat.

I have observed that occasionally in the realm of some performance engagements, little is known, many things are changed, and conclusions quickly reached. Worse, these conclusions have an almost mystical ability to end up on an executive's desk.

So while we often get involved in helping to select the appropriate hardware platform, the focus in this new blog is where and how Linux can make a difference. These entries are intended to help me keep track of a journey of learning to be a better performance analyst. The three cases to cover are (a) when I think I already have the answer, or (b) more often - having some of the answer and hunting down those pesky details, or (c) in some cases, I really haven't a clue, and I'm off on another learning tangent again. As I said, it's a journey.

There's a lot of cool things happening around the world of Linux performance. In the coming weeks, I'll talk about some of the areas that are active, emerging, or are already in use. Some will be on Power where I spend a lot of time, but a lot is generic and usually available across the platforms. Whether this will help you improve the performance of your applications, well, it depends. We shall see.
One of many bloggers.

Bill Buros

Bill leads an IBM Linux performance team in Austin Tx (the only place really to live in Texas). The team is focused on IBM's Power offerings (old, new, and future) working with IBM's Linux Technology Center (the LTC). While the focus is primarily on Power systems, the team also analyzes and improves overall Linux performance for IBM's xSeries products (both Intel and AMD) , driving performance improvements which are both common for Linux and occasionally unique to the hardware offerings.

Performance analysis techniques, tools, and approaches are nicely common across Linux. Having worked for years in performance, there are still daily reminders of how much there is to learn in this space, so in many ways this blog is simply another vehicle in the continuing journey to becoming a more experienced "performance professional". One of several journeys in life.

The Usual Notice

The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent IBM's positions, strategies, or opinions, try as I might to influence them.